Best twitter news feeds 2017

Here are some of the best Twitter news feeds in 2017, covering a range of topics and categories:

General News

  1. @BBCBreaking - Breaking news from the BBC
  2. @CNN - CNN's official Twitter account
  3. @NYTimes - The New York Times' official Twitter account
  4. @WSJ - The Wall Street Journal's official Twitter account
  5. @AP - The Associated Press' official Twitter account


  1. @TheVerge - The Verge's official Twitter account, covering tech, science, and culture
  2. @TechCrunch - TechCrunch's official Twitter account, covering tech news and startups
  3. @Wired - Wired's official Twitter account, covering tech, science, and culture
  4. @CNET - CNET's official Twitter account, covering tech news and reviews
  5. @ArsTechnica - Ars Technica's official Twitter account, covering tech news and analysis


  1. @Forbes - Forbes' official Twitter account, covering business, finance, and entrepreneurship
  2. @Bloomberg - Bloomberg's official Twitter account, covering business and finance news
  3. @WSJBusiness - The Wall Street Journal's business section Twitter account
  4. @FortuneMagazine - Fortune Magazine's official Twitter account, covering business and finance
  5. @Inc - Inc. Magazine's official Twitter account, covering entrepreneurship and small business


  1. @TheHill - The Hill's official Twitter account, covering politics and government news
  2. @Politico - Politico's official Twitter account, covering politics and government news
  3. @CNNPolitics - CNN's politics section Twitter account
  4. @FoxNews - Fox News' official Twitter account, covering politics and government news
  5. @TheHuffPost - The Huffington Post's official Twitter account, covering politics and government news


  1. @NASA - NASA's official Twitter account, covering space and science news
  2. @ScienceMag - Science Magazine's official Twitter account, covering science news and research
  3. @NatureNews - Nature's official Twitter account, covering science news and research
  4. @ScientificAmerican - Scientific American's official Twitter account, covering science news and research
  5. @PhysicsWorld - Physics World's official Twitter account, covering physics and science news


  1. @WHO - The World Health Organization's official Twitter account, covering global health news
  2. @CDC - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's official Twitter account, covering health news and research
  3. @HealthDay - HealthDay's official Twitter account, covering health news and research
  4. @MedPageToday - MedPage Today's official Twitter account, covering medical news and research
  5. @HarvardHealth - Harvard Health Publishing's official Twitter account, covering health news and research


  1. @ESPN - ESPN's official Twitter account, covering sports news and scores
  2. @Sports Illustrated - Sports Illustrated's official Twitter account, covering sports news and analysis
  3. @NFL - The National Football League's official Twitter account, covering football news and scores
  4. @NBA - The National Basketball Association's official Twitter account, covering basketball news and scores
  5. @MLB - Major League Baseball's official Twitter account, covering baseball news and scores

These are just a few examples of the many great Twitter news feeds out there. You can follow these accounts to stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in your area of interest.