Best site to share your new posts authomatically to facebook

There are several websites that allow you to share your new posts automatically to Facebook. Here are some of the best options:

  1. Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a popular social media management tool that allows you to schedule and share your posts on multiple platforms, including Facebook. You can connect your Facebook page and schedule your posts in advance.
  2. Buffer: Buffer is another popular social media management tool that allows you to schedule and share your posts on multiple platforms, including Facebook. You can also use Buffer's "Buffer Publish" feature to automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook.
  3. Ifttt (If This Then That): Ifttt is a free online service that allows you to create custom recipes that automate tasks across different apps and services. You can create a recipe that automatically shares your new blog posts on Facebook.
  4. Facebook Instant Articles: If you have a WordPress website, you can use the Facebook Instant Articles plugin to automatically share your new posts on Facebook. This plugin allows you to publish your content directly to Facebook, where it can be read by your audience.
  5. WP Robot: WP Robot is a WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. You can customize the plugin to share your posts at specific times and intervals.
  6. Social Warfare: Social Warfare is a WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. You can also use the plugin to add social sharing buttons to your website.
  7. Monarch: Monarch is a WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. You can also use the plugin to add social sharing buttons to your website.
  8. Automate: Automate is a WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically share your new blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. You can also use the plugin to automate other tasks on your website.

Before choosing a website to share your new posts automatically to Facebook, make sure to read the terms of service and ensure that the website complies with Facebook's policies and guidelines.