Best site to meet new friends from nairaland

Nairaland is a popular online community in Nigeria, and there are several websites and platforms where you can meet new friends from the community. Here are a few options:

  1. Facebook Groups: There are several Facebook groups dedicated to Nairaland users, such as "Nairaland Friends" or "Nairaland Community". You can join these groups and connect with other members who share similar interests.
  2. Reddit: The r/Nairaland community on Reddit is a great place to meet new friends who share similar interests. You can participate in discussions, share your thoughts, and connect with others.
  3. Discord: Discord is a popular platform for community building, and there are several Nairaland-related servers where you can meet new friends. You can search for servers like "Nairaland" or "Nigerian Online Community" to find one that suits your interests.
  4. Meetup: Meetup is a platform that allows you to find and join local groups of people with shared interests. You can search for groups related to Nairaland or Nigerian culture in your area and attend events to meet new people.
  5. Nairaland Forum: The Nairaland forum itself has a "Meet and Greet" section where you can introduce yourself and connect with other members.
  6. Nigerian Online Communities: There are several online communities dedicated to Nigerian culture and interests, such as Nigerian Online Community (NOC) or Nigerian Forum. You can join these communities and connect with other members who share similar interests.
  7. Instagram: You can also use Instagram to connect with other Nairaland users. Look for hashtags like #Nairaland or #NigerianOnlineCommunity and engage with other users who share similar interests.

Remember to always be cautious when meeting new people online and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.