Best proposal write up for a new android application

Here's a sample proposal write-up for a new Android application:

Title: [App Name] - [Tagline]

Executive Summary:

[App Name] is a [briefly describe the app's purpose and functionality]. Our mission is to [briefly describe the app's goals and benefits]. With [App Name], users will be able to [list the key features and benefits of the app].

Problem Statement:

Currently, [briefly describe the problem or pain point that the app solves]. Existing solutions [briefly describe the limitations or drawbacks of existing solutions]. Our app addresses these limitations by [briefly describe how the app solves the problem].

Target Audience:

Our target audience is [describe the target audience, including demographics, interests, and behaviors]. We believe that [App Name] will resonate with this audience because [explain why the app will appeal to this audience].

Key Features:

Technical Requirements:

Design and User Experience:

Marketing and Distribution:

Business Model:




[App Name] is a unique and innovative Android application that addresses a specific need or problem in the market. With its robust features, user-friendly design, and effective marketing strategy, we believe that [App Name] has the potential to become a top-grossing app in the Android market. We look forward to the opportunity to bring this vision to life and make a positive impact on our target audience.


Note: This is just a sample proposal, and you should customize it to fit your specific needs and goals.