Best plugins for new wordpress website

Here are some of the best plugins for a new WordPress website, categorized by their purpose:


  1. Wordfence: A comprehensive security plugin that scans your site for malware and vulnerabilities, and provides a firewall to block attacks.
  2. MalCare: A security plugin that scans your site for malware and provides a firewall to block attacks, with a focus on WordPress-specific threats.
  3. iThemes Security: A security plugin that provides a range of security features, including file permissions, IP blocking, and more.


  1. WP Rocket: A caching plugin that improves your site's loading speed by caching pages, posts, and database queries.
  2. W3 Total Cache: A caching plugin that provides a range of caching options, including page caching, browser caching, and more.
  3. Autoptimize: A plugin that optimizes your site's code, images, and other assets to improve loading speed.


  1. Yoast SEO: A popular SEO plugin that provides a range of features, including keyword analysis, meta tags, and XML sitemaps.
  2. All in One SEO Pack: A comprehensive SEO plugin that provides features such as keyword analysis, meta tags, and XML sitemaps.
  3. Rank Math: A SEO plugin that provides features such as keyword analysis, meta tags, and XML sitemaps, with a focus on technical SEO.

Backup and Recovery

  1. UpdraftPlus: A backup plugin that provides automatic backups of your site, with options for scheduling and storage.
  2. VaultPress: A backup plugin that provides automatic backups of your site, with options for scheduling and storage, and a focus on security.
  3. BackWPup: A backup plugin that provides automatic backups of your site, with options for scheduling and storage, and a focus on ease of use.

Content Creation

  1. TinyMCE Advanced: A plugin that provides advanced features for the WordPress editor, including a range of formatting options and a distraction-free writing mode.
  2. Co-Authors Plus: A plugin that allows multiple authors to contribute to a single post or page, with options for assigning authors and tracking contributions.
  3. TablePress: A plugin that allows you to create and manage tables in your WordPress site, with options for customizing appearance and behavior.

Contact Forms

  1. Gravity Forms: A popular contact form plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable forms, payment gateways, and email notifications.
  2. Contact Form 7: A free contact form plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable forms, payment gateways, and email notifications.
  3. Formidable Forms: A contact form plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable forms, payment gateways, and email notifications, with a focus on ease of use.

Social Sharing

  1. Social Warfare: A social sharing plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable buttons, analytics, and sharing options.
  2. Monarch: A social sharing plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable buttons, analytics, and sharing options, with a focus on ease of use.
  3. Social Sharing Plugin: A free social sharing plugin that provides a range of features, including customizable buttons, analytics, and sharing options.


  1. WooCommerce: A popular e-commerce plugin that provides a range of features, including product management, payment gateways, and shipping options.
  2. Easy Digital Downloads: A digital product plugin that provides a range of features, including product management, payment gateways, and download tracking.
  3. WP e-Commerce: A e-commerce plugin that provides a range of features, including product management, payment gateways, and shipping options, with a focus on ease of use.

Remember to always read reviews and check the compatibility of plugins with your WordPress version before installing them.