Best places to speak a new language online for free

There are many great places to practice speaking a new language online for free. Here are some popular options:

  1. HelloTalk: A language learning app that connects you with native speakers of the language you want to learn. You can text, voice or video chat with them for free.
  2. Tandem: Another language learning app that allows you to practice your speaking skills with native speakers. You can also help others with your native language in return.
  3. Conversation Exchange: A website that connects you with language learners and native speakers for language exchange. You can practice your speaking skills and help others with their language skills in return.
  4. italki: A platform that connects you with language teachers and tutors for online lessons. You can practice your speaking skills with a native speaker and get feedback on your pronunciation and grammar.
  5. Lang-8: A writing and language exchange platform where you can write journal entries in the language you want to learn and get corrected by native speakers.
  6. SpeakPipe: A simple website that allows you to record and send voice messages to native speakers of the language you want to learn.
  7. TalkAbroad: A platform that connects you with native speakers of the language you want to learn for language exchange and practice.
  8. Verbling: A language learning platform that offers live language lessons with native speakers. You can practice your speaking skills and get feedback on your pronunciation and grammar.
  9. iTalki Live: A live language learning platform that connects you with native speakers for language practice and conversation.
  10. Open Culture: A website that offers a wide range of free language courses and resources, including audio and video lessons, podcasts, and language exchange opportunities.
  11. Language Exchange: A website that connects you with language learners and native speakers for language exchange and practice.
  12. Mixxer: A language exchange platform that allows you to practice your speaking skills with native speakers and help others with your native language in return.
  13. HelloWorld: A language learning app that connects you with native speakers for language practice and conversation.
  14. Lingbe: A language learning app that connects you with native speakers for language practice and conversation.
  15. Tinycards: A flashcard app that also offers language exchange opportunities with native speakers.

Remember, while these resources are free, they may have limitations compared to paid language learning platforms. However, they can still be a great way to practice your speaking skills and improve your language proficiency.