Best of news 2019

Here are some of the best news stories of 2019:

Science and Technology

  1. First-ever image of a black hole: Astronomers captured the first-ever image of a black hole, located at the center of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87).
  2. Breakthrough in gene editing: Scientists made significant progress in gene editing technology, known as CRISPR, which has the potential to cure genetic diseases.
  3. NASA's Parker Solar Probe: NASA's Parker Solar Probe became the closest human-made object to the sun, providing new insights into the sun's corona and solar wind.

Politics and World Affairs

  1. U.S.-China trade deal: The United States and China reached a trade deal, ending a year-long trade war and reducing tariffs on each other's goods.
  2. Brexit: The United Kingdom officially left the European Union (EU) on January 31, 2020, after a long and contentious process.
  3. Hong Kong protests: Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong continued throughout the year, with protesters demanding greater autonomy and human rights.

Health and Medicine

  1. Measles outbreak: A measles outbreak in the United States and around the world highlighted the importance of vaccination and public health measures.
  2. New treatments for cancer: Scientists made significant progress in developing new treatments for various types of cancer, including immunotherapy and targeted therapies.
  3. Ebola outbreak: The Democratic Republic of Congo experienced a devastating Ebola outbreak, which was eventually brought under control with the help of international aid.

Environment and Climate

  1. Climate strikes: Global climate strikes, led by young activists like Greta Thunberg, drew attention to the urgent need for climate action and policy changes.
  2. Wildfires and natural disasters: Devastating wildfires and natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, highlighted the impact of climate change on communities around the world.
  3. Conservation efforts: Scientists and conservationists made progress in protecting endangered species, such as the vaquita and the Sumatran rhino.

Sports and Entertainment

  1. Tiger Woods' Masters win: Tiger Woods won his fifth Masters title, marking a remarkable comeback from injuries and personal struggles.
  2. Women's World Cup: The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup was a huge success, with the United States winning the tournament and inspiring a new generation of female soccer players.
  3. Avengers: Endgame: The Marvel movie Avengers: Endgame became the highest-grossing film of all time, concluding the Infinity Saga and cementing the franchise's status as a cultural phenomenon.

These are just a few of the many significant news stories of 2019. It was a year marked by both progress and challenges, and we can expect to see the impact of these events in the years to come.