Best of humans of new york

The "Humans of New York" (HONY) project, created by Brandon Stanton, has been a beloved and iconic platform for sharing the stories and experiences of everyday people from all walks of life. Here are some of the most popular and inspiring stories from HONY:

  1. The Man Who Lost His Wife: A heart-wrenching story about a man who lost his wife to cancer, and how he's coping with the loss.
  2. The Homeless Man Who Found a Job: A story about a homeless man who found a job and turned his life around, thanks to the kindness of strangers.
  3. The Woman Who Survived the Holocaust: A powerful story about a woman who survived the Holocaust and her experiences during that time.
  4. The Man Who Was Shot and Left for Dead: A story about a man who was shot and left for dead, but survived and is now advocating for gun control.
  5. The Woman Who Was Raped and Abandoned: A story about a woman who was raped and abandoned by her family, but found the strength to overcome her trauma and rebuild her life.
  6. The Man Who Was a Refugee: A story about a man who fled his war-torn country and became a refugee, and his journey to rebuild his life in a new country.
  7. The Woman Who Was a Survivor of Domestic Abuse: A story about a woman who survived domestic abuse and is now advocating for others who have gone through similar experiences.
  8. The Man Who Was a Former Convict: A story about a man who was convicted of a crime and served time in prison, but is now working to turn his life around and give back to his community.
  9. The Woman Who Was a Single Mother: A story about a woman who became a single mother at a young age and is now working to provide a better life for her children.
  10. The Man Who Was a Veteran: A story about a man who served in the military and is now struggling to adjust to civilian life, but is finding ways to cope and heal.

These stories, and many more like them, have been shared on the HONY website and social media platforms, and have inspired millions of people around the world. They are a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit, and a reminder that everyone has a story worth telling.