Best news of the nations newspaper for 2018

What a great question! Here are some of the most notable and impactful news stories from around the world in 2018, as reported by reputable news organizations:

Global News

  1. US-North Korea Summit: In June, US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un held a historic summit in Singapore, marking a significant step towards denuclearization and improved relations between the two nations. (Source: The New York Times)
  2. Global Climate Change: 2018 was the fourth-warmest year on record, with devastating natural disasters like hurricanes, wildfires, and droughts highlighting the urgent need for climate action. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Migrant Crisis: The world witnessed a surge in migrant arrivals in Europe, with many fleeing war, persecution, and poverty in their home countries. (Source: The BBC)

Regional News

  1. India's Election: India held its largest-ever general election, with over 900 million voters casting their ballots in a historic exercise of democracy. (Source: The Hindu)
  2. China's Belt and Road Initiative: China's ambitious infrastructure project, aimed at connecting Asia, Europe, and Africa, continued to expand, with many countries signing on to the initiative. (Source: The South China Morning Post)
  3. Russia's Election Meddling: The US and other Western countries accused Russia of interfering in their elections, sparking a diplomatic crisis and calls for greater cybersecurity measures. (Source: The Washington Post)

Business and Economy

  1. Trade Wars: The US and China engaged in a trade war, imposing tariffs on each other's goods and disrupting global supply chains. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
  2. Cryptocurrency Boom: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum experienced a surge in value, with many investors and companies jumping into the market. (Source: The Financial Times)
  3. Global Economic Growth: The global economy experienced a strong rebound in 2018, with many countries reporting robust growth and low unemployment rates. (Source: The Economist)

Sports and Entertainment

  1. World Cup: France won the FIFA World Cup, defeating Croatia 4-2 in the final. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Royal Wedding: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tied the knot in a highly publicized ceremony in Windsor, England. (Source: The Daily Mail)
  3. Avengers: Infinity War: The Marvel superhero film became one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, breaking box office records worldwide. (Source: Variety)

These are just a few of the many significant news stories from 2018.