Best news app for pc

There are many great news apps for PC, and the best one for you will depend on your personal preferences and news consumption habits. Here are some popular options:

  1. Microsoft News: A built-in news app for Windows 10, Microsoft News aggregates news from various sources and allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in.
  2. Apple News: If you're a Mac user, Apple News is a great option. It offers a curated feed of news articles from top sources, and you can customize your feed with topics and sources you like.
  3. Google News: Google News is a popular news aggregator that collects news articles from thousands of sources. You can customize your feed with topics and sources, and it's available on both Windows and Mac.
  4. News360: News360 is a news aggregator that uses AI to personalize your news feed based on your interests. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  5. Flipboard: Flipboard is a popular news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  6. Feedly: Feedly is a news aggregator that allows you to subscribe to your favorite news sources and customize your feed with topics and sources you like. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  7. NewsBlur: NewsBlur is a news aggregator that allows you to customize your feed with topics and sources you're interested in. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  8. The News: The News is a news app from the BBC that offers a curated feed of news articles from around the world. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  9. NPR One: NPR One is a news app from National Public Radio that offers a curated feed of news articles and podcasts. It's available on both Windows and Mac.
  10. The Skimm: The Skimm is a news app that offers a daily newsletter and a curated feed of news articles on topics like politics, business, and entertainment. It's available on both Windows and Mac.

These are just a few examples of the many great news apps available for PC. You may want to try out a few to see which one works best for you!