Best gifts for new mums

Here are some thoughtful gift ideas for new mums:

  1. Cozy Robe and Slippers: A soft, plush robe and a pair of comfortable slippers are a must-have for new mums. They'll appreciate the comfort and relaxation.
  2. Personalized Baby Blanket: A personalized baby blanket with the baby's name or initials is a heartwarming gift. It's a thoughtful way to commemorate the new arrival.
  3. Meal Delivery or Gift Card: New mums often have their hands full and may not have time to cook. Consider gifting a meal delivery service or a gift card to their favorite restaurant.
  4. Self-Care Basket: Create a self-care basket filled with items like scented candles, bath salts, face masks, and a good book. This will help new mums relax and unwind.
  5. Breastfeeding Support Gift: If the new mum is breastfeeding, consider gifting a breastfeeding support pillow, a nursing cover, or a set of breast pads.
  6. Baby Carrier or Sling: A baby carrier or sling is a practical gift that allows new mums to hold their baby close while keeping their hands free.
  7. Subscription Box: A subscription box service like BabyBox or Hello Baby Box delivers a monthly package of baby essentials, toys, and goodies.
  8. Postpartum Recovery Kit: Create a postpartum recovery kit with items like heating pads, comfortable underwear, and a peri-bottle to help new mums recover from childbirth.
  9. Baby Monitor or Movement Tracker: A baby monitor or movement tracker provides peace of mind for new mums, allowing them to keep an eye on their baby while they're sleeping or busy.
  10. Book or Online Course: A book on parenting, breastfeeding, or postpartum self-care can be a thoughtful gift. Alternatively, consider gifting an online course on parenting or self-care.
  11. Practical Baby Items: New mums often appreciate practical baby items like diapers, onesies, and burp cloths. Consider gifting a diaper cake or a set of baby essentials.
  12. Photography Session: A photography session with a professional photographer is a unique and thoughtful gift that captures the special moments of the new mum's journey.
  13. Baby Skincare Set: A baby skincare set with gentle, natural products is a thoughtful gift for new mums who want to keep their baby's skin healthy and moisturized.
  14. Nursing Pillow: A nursing pillow provides comfort and support for new mums while breastfeeding. It's a practical gift that can be used for months to come.
  15. Gift Card to a Baby Store: A gift card to a baby store like Buy Buy Baby or Baby Depot allows new mums to choose their own gifts and essentials.

Remember, the most important thing is to show your love and support for the new mum. Choose a gift that reflects your relationship and her preferences.