Best definition of news

The best definition of news is a topic of ongoing debate among journalists, scholars, and philosophers. Here are a few definitions that are widely accepted:

  1. The Associated Press (AP) definition: "News is a report of a significant event, such as a crime, accident, or natural disaster, that is of public interest and concern."
  2. The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) definition: "News is a report of a significant event, issue, or trend that is of public interest and concern, and is presented in a fair, accurate, and unbiased manner."
  3. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) definition: "News is information about recent events, especially those of public interest, that is reported in the media."
  4. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition: "News is information about recent events, especially those of public interest, that is reported in the media."
  5. The concept of "news" as defined by Walter Lippmann: "News is what a newspaperman thinks is news, and news is what a newspaperman thinks the public wants to know."

These definitions all share some common elements, such as:

Ultimately, the best definition of news may depend on one's perspective and context.