Best books for new sql

Here are some highly recommended books for learning SQL, suitable for beginners:

  1. "SQL Queries for Mere Mortals" by John D. Cook: A comprehensive guide to SQL queries, covering topics like data modeling, querying, and data analysis.
  2. "Learning SQL" by Alan Beaulieu: A beginner-friendly book that covers the basics of SQL, including data types, queries, and database design.
  3. "SQL Cookbook" by Anthony Molinaro: A practical guide to solving common SQL problems, with examples and exercises to help you learn.
  4. "Head First SQL" by Lynn Beighley: A visually engaging book that uses illustrations and examples to teach SQL concepts, making it easy to understand.
  5. "SQL for Dummies" by John Paul Mueller and Luca Bolognese: A friendly, approachable guide to SQL, covering topics like database design, querying, and data analysis.
  6. "Database Systems: The Complete Book" by Hector Garcia-Molina, Ivan Martinez, and Jose Valenza: A comprehensive textbook that covers database systems, including SQL, data modeling, and database design.
  7. "SQL: A Beginner's Guide" by John D. Cook: A concise, easy-to-follow guide to SQL, covering the basics of querying, data modeling, and database design.
  8. "Mastering SQL" by Ramesh Haldhar: A detailed guide to advanced SQL topics, including data modeling, querying, and data analysis.
  9. "SQL: The Complete Reference" by Chris Date: A comprehensive reference guide to SQL, covering topics like data types, queries, and database design.
  10. "Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management" by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: A textbook that covers database systems, including SQL, data modeling, and database design.

These books are suitable for beginners and intermediate learners, and can help you build a strong foundation in SQL. Additionally, you can also find many online resources, tutorials, and courses to supplement your learning.

Remember, practice is key! Try to work on exercises and projects to reinforce your understanding of SQL concepts.