Bernie sanders news now

Here are the latest news updates on Bernie Sanders:

Recent News

  1. Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden: After a long and contentious primary season, Bernie Sanders announced on April 13 that he would be endorsing Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination. (Source: CNN)
  2. Sanders to Focus on Senate Campaign: With his presidential bid over, Sanders is shifting his focus to his re-election campaign for his Senate seat in Vermont. He faces a tough re-election battle against Republican challenger Lawrence Zupan. (Source: The Hill)
  3. Sanders' Medicare for All Plan Gains Momentum: Despite the failure of his presidential campaign, Sanders' Medicare for All plan has gained significant traction in Congress. Several Democratic lawmakers have introduced their own versions of the plan, and some are even considering including it in the party's platform. (Source: The New York Times)
  4. Sanders Calls for Impeachment Proceedings: Sanders has joined a growing chorus of Democrats calling for impeachment proceedings against President Trump. He argues that Trump's actions, including his dealings with Ukraine, are "impeachable offenses." (Source: The Washington Post)
  5. Sanders' Campaign Debt: Sanders' presidential campaign is still struggling to pay off its debt, which stands at around $16 million. The campaign has been trying to raise funds to pay off its creditors, but it's been a slow process. (Source: Politico)

Upcoming Events

  1. Sanders' Senate Campaign Kickoff: Sanders is set to kick off his Senate re-election campaign on May 1 in Burlington, Vermont. The event is expected to draw large crowds and feature several high-profile speakers. (Source: The Burlington Free Press)
  2. Sanders' Town Hall: Sanders will hold a town hall meeting on May 15 in Montpelier, Vermont, where he will discuss his legislative priorities and take questions from constituents. (Source: The Vermont Daily Chronicle)

Recent Quotes

  1. On Joe Biden: "I think Joe Biden is a good guy, and I think he's a decent human being. I think he's a progressive, and I think he's going to be a great president." (Source: CNN)
  2. On Medicare for All: "We're going to have a Medicare for All system, and we're going to make sure that every American has access to healthcare, regardless of their income or their zip code." (Source: The New York Times)
  3. On Impeachment: "The president's actions are impeachable offenses, and I think it's time for the House to take action." (Source: The Washington Post)