Bernie sanders 18 things the democratic front runner believes

Bernie Sanders is a Democratic presidential candidate who has been a vocal advocate for progressive policies. Here are 18 things that Bernie Sanders believes:

  1. Medicare for All: Sanders believes that every American should have access to healthcare through a single-payer system, similar to Medicare.
  2. Free College Education: Sanders advocates for free college education for all students, including community college and public universities.
  3. Climate Change Action: Sanders believes that climate change is a major threat to the planet and supports a transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
  4. Income Inequality: Sanders believes that income inequality is a major problem in the United States and supports policies to reduce it, such as increasing the minimum wage and taxing the wealthy.
  5. Progressive Taxation: Sanders believes that the wealthy should pay a higher tax rate than the middle class and supports a progressive tax system.
  6. Wall Street Reform: Sanders believes that Wall Street needs to be reformed to prevent another financial crisis and supports policies such as breaking up large banks and imposing stricter regulations.
  7. Immigration Reform: Sanders believes that immigration reform is necessary to address the country's broken immigration system and supports a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
  8. Racial Justice: Sanders believes that systemic racism is a major problem in the United States and supports policies to address it, such as police reform and addressing racial disparities in education and healthcare.
  9. LGBTQ+ Rights: Sanders believes that all individuals should have equal rights and protections, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  10. Gun Control: Sanders believes that gun control measures are necessary to reduce gun violence and supports policies such as universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons.
  11. Campaign Finance Reform: Sanders believes that campaign finance reform is necessary to reduce the influence of money in politics and supports policies such as public financing of elections and stricter regulations on political donations.
  12. Worker Rights: Sanders believes that workers have the right to collective bargaining and supports policies such as increasing the minimum wage and imposing stricter regulations on employers.
  13. Environmental Protection: Sanders believes that the environment is a major priority and supports policies such as reducing carbon emissions and protecting public lands.
  14. Social Security and Medicare: Sanders believes that these programs are essential to the well-being of seniors and supports policies to strengthen and expand them.
  15. Housing as a Human Right: Sanders believes that housing is a human right and supports policies such as increasing funding for affordable housing and rent control.
  16. Student Loan Debt Relief: Sanders believes that student loan debt is a major burden on young people and supports policies such as forgiving student loan debt and making college more affordable.
  17. Trade Policy: Sanders believes that trade policies should prioritize American workers and supports policies such as renegotiating trade agreements and imposing stricter regulations on corporations.
  18. Democracy Reform: Sanders believes that democracy is under attack and supports policies such as increasing voter turnout, reducing the influence of money in politics, and protecting the integrity of elections.

These are just a few of the many issues that Bernie Sanders has spoken about during his presidential campaigns.