Berlin art news

Here are some recent and upcoming art news from Berlin:


  1. Hito Steyerl: This is a Ballad at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart (until March 2023) - A major retrospective of the German artist's work, featuring her films, videos, and installations.
  2. Gerhard Richter: Atlas at the Nationalgalerie (until January 2023) - An exhibition showcasing Richter's iconic Atlas series, a collection of over 800 photographs and images.
  3. Katharina Grosse: Into the Woods at the Museum für Moderne Kunst (until February 2023) - A solo exhibition featuring Grosse's large-scale paintings and installations.

Awards and Prizes

  1. Käthe Kollwitz Prize 2022 awarded to artist and curator, Annett König - The prize is awarded annually to an artist who has made significant contributions to the field of art.
  2. Berlin Art Prize 2022 awarded to artist, Julia Lohmann - The prize is awarded annually to an artist who has made significant contributions to the Berlin art scene.

New Museum Openings

  1. Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Berlin - A new museum dedicated to contemporary art, located in the heart of Berlin.
  2. The Museum of Photography - A new museum dedicated to photography, located in the Kreuzberg district.

Art Fairs and Festivals

  1. Berlin Art Week (September 2022) - A week-long celebration of art in Berlin, featuring exhibitions, performances, and events.
  2. Berlin Biennale (June 2023) - A biennial exhibition featuring works by international artists, curated by artist and curator, Gabi Ngcobo.

Artist News

  1. Berlin-based artist, Carsten Höller, creates a new installation at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
  2. Berlin-based artist, Katharina Grosse, creates a new mural in the Kreuzberg district.

These are just a few examples of the many art news and events happening in Berlin. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest art news from Berlin, I recommend following local art publications, such as Monopol, Artforum, and Berlin Art Link.