Berbera news

Berbera is a city located in the Somaliland region of Somalia. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Berbera:

  1. Berbera Port Expansion: The Somaliland government has announced plans to expand the Berbera Port, which is expected to increase its capacity and boost trade in the region. The expansion project is expected to cost around $442 million and is being funded by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). (Source: Somaliland Sun)
  2. New Airport Terminal: Berbera International Airport has opened a new terminal building, which is expected to increase its capacity and improve the travel experience for passengers. The new terminal was built with the help of the UAE and is expected to handle up to 500,000 passengers per year. (Source: Horn Observer)
  3. Economic Growth: Berbera is experiencing rapid economic growth, driven by its strategic location and the expansion of the port. The city is becoming a major hub for trade and commerce in the region, with many businesses and investors setting up operations there. (Source: Somaliland Focus)
  4. Infrastructure Development: The Somaliland government is investing heavily in infrastructure development in Berbera, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and public buildings. The aim is to improve the city's infrastructure and make it more attractive to investors and tourists. (Source: Berbera News)
  5. Tourism: Berbera is also becoming a popular tourist destination, with many visitors drawn to its beautiful beaches, historic sites, and vibrant culture. The city is home to many ancient mosques and other historical landmarks, and its markets offer a wide range of traditional handicrafts and souvenirs. (Source: Somaliland Tourism)

These are just a few examples of the news and updates about Berbera. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out some of the online news sources that cover Berbera and Somaliland, such as Somaliland Sun, Horn Observer, and Berbera News.