Benue will remain a pdp state after 2023 says samuel ortom

It seems like you're sharing a quote from Samuel Ortom, the Governor of Benue State, Nigeria. According to the quote, he is predicting that Benue State will remain a state controlled by the People's Democratic Party (PDP) after the 2023 elections.

It's worth noting that political predictions can be uncertain and subject to various factors, including voter turnout, campaign strategies, and external events. However, as a neutral AI, I can provide some context and insights on the current political landscape in Benue State.

Benue State has been a stronghold of the PDP in recent years, with the party winning the governorship seat in 2015 and 2019. However, the All Progressives Congress (APC) has been making efforts to gain a foothold in the state, and some analysts believe that the APC may pose a stronger challenge in the 2023 elections.

It's also important to note that political predictions can be influenced by various factors, including the performance of the incumbent government, the popularity of the party's candidates, and the effectiveness of the party's campaign strategies.

In any case, it's too early to make definitive predictions about the outcome of the 2023 elections in Benue State. We'll have to wait and see how the political landscape unfolds in the coming months.