Benue subeb news

Benue State Subeb (State Universal Basic Education Board) is responsible for the administration and management of primary education in Benue State, Nigeria. Here are some recent news and updates about Benue State Subeb:

  1. Benue Subeb Introduces New Curriculum: In 2022, Benue Subeb introduced a new curriculum for primary schools in the state, aimed at improving the quality of education and preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century.
  2. Subeb Employs 1,000 Teachers: In 2020, Benue Subeb employed 1,000 new teachers to fill vacancies in public primary schools across the state, in a bid to improve the teacher-pupil ratio and enhance the quality of education.
  3. Benue Subeb Launches E-Learning Platform: In 2020, Benue Subeb launched an e-learning platform to enhance digital literacy and improve access to education in the state. The platform provides online educational resources and courses for students and teachers.
  4. Subeb Introduces Free Education: In 2019, Benue Subeb introduced free education for all primary school pupils in the state, in a bid to increase access to education and reduce the burden of school fees on parents.
  5. Benue Subeb Partners with UNICEF: In 2020, Benue Subeb partnered with UNICEF to improve the quality of education in the state. The partnership aims to enhance the capacity of teachers, improve infrastructure, and increase access to education for marginalized children.
  6. Subeb Launches School Feeding Programme: In 2020, Benue Subeb launched a school feeding programme to provide nutritious meals for pupils in public primary schools across the state. The programme aims to improve the health and well-being of pupils and increase their attendance and academic performance.
  7. Benue Subeb Introduces Vocational Training: In 2020, Benue Subeb introduced vocational training for pupils in public primary schools, aimed at equipping them with skills that can help them become self-reliant and employable.
  8. Subeb Launches Education Reform: In 2019, Benue Subeb launched an education reform aimed at improving the quality of education in the state. The reform aims to enhance the curriculum, improve teacher training, and increase access to education for marginalized children.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates about Benue State Subeb. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it.