Benue state university news on strike

Benue State University (BSU) has been on strike since November 2020, and the situation remains unresolved. Here are some updates on the strike:

Background: The strike was called by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in BSU over issues such as:

  1. Non-payment of salaries and allowances
  2. Non-implementation of the 2019 ASUU-BSU agreement
  3. Poor funding of the university
  4. Lack of infrastructure and facilities
  5. Non-appointment of new staff

Recent Developments:

  1. Extension of Strike: In January 2022, the ASUU-BSU chapter extended the strike by three months, citing the government's failure to address their demands.
  2. Government's Response: The Benue State Government has been accused of not taking the strike seriously, with some officials claiming that the university is not essential to the state's development.
  3. Student Suffering: The strike has caused significant disruption to academic activities, with students unable to attend classes or access facilities. Many students have been forced to seek alternative means of education, such as online courses or transfer to other universities.
  4. Lecturers' Welfare: The strike has also affected the welfare of lecturers, with many struggling to make ends meet due to the non-payment of salaries and allowances.
  5. Peace Talks: In February 2022, the ASUU-BSU chapter and the Benue State Government held a meeting to discuss the strike, but no agreement was reached.

Current Situation: The strike remains ongoing, with no clear end in sight. The ASUU-BSU chapter has vowed to continue the strike until their demands are met, while the Benue State Government has shown little willingness to negotiate.

Impact: The strike has had a significant impact on the university, with:

  1. Academic Disruption: The strike has disrupted academic activities, causing students to miss out on important learning opportunities.
  2. Financial Loss: The strike has resulted in significant financial losses for the university, with many students and staff unable to access facilities or receive payment.
  3. Reputation: The strike has damaged the reputation of the university, with many students and parents expressing frustration and disappointment.

Conclusion: The strike at Benue State University remains unresolved, with no clear end in sight. The ASUU-BSU chapter and the Benue State Government must work together to address the issues and find a solution to the strike.