Benue state news on salary payment

Here are some recent news updates on salary payment in Benue State:

Latest Update (March 2023)

The Benue State Government has announced that it has paid the February 2023 salary of its workers, including teachers, local government staff, and other categories of workers. This was disclosed by the State Head of Service, Mrs. Francesca Oluwaniyi, who expressed gratitude to the state government for the prompt payment.

Previous Updates

Challenges Faced by the State Government

Despite the efforts of the Benue State Government to pay the salaries of its workers, the state has faced several challenges in recent times. Some of these challenges include:

Government's Efforts to Address the Challenges

To address the challenges faced by the state government, the government has been working to improve its internal revenue generation efforts. Some of the measures taken by the government include:

I hope this information is helpful.