Benue news on salary arrears

Here are some recent news articles and updates on salary arrears in Benue State, Nigeria:

  1. Benue Government Owes Workers 24 Months Salary Arrears (Vanguard, March 2023)

The Benue State Government has owed its workers 24 months of salary arrears, with the latest being the January 2023 salary. The state's chapter of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has threatened to embark on a strike if the arrears are not paid.

  1. Benue Workers Protest Over 20 Months Salary Arrears (Daily Trust, February 2023)

Workers in Benue State have protested over the 20 months of salary arrears owed them by the state government. The protesters, who were mainly civil servants, demanded immediate payment of their salaries and threatened to take further action if their demands are not met.

  1. Benue Government to Pay 10 Months Salary Arrears to Workers (Premium Times, January 2023)

The Benue State Government has announced plans to pay 10 months of salary arrears to its workers. The payment is expected to be made in batches, with the first batch of 3 months being paid in January 2023.

  1. Benue Workers to Embark on Indefinite Strike Over Salary Arrears (The Nation, December 2022)

The Benue State chapter of the NLC has given the state government a 14-day ultimatum to pay the outstanding salary arrears of its workers. Failure to meet the deadline, the workers have threatened to embark on an indefinite strike.

  1. Benue Government Owes Workers 18 Months Salary Arrears (Leadership, November 2022)

The Benue State Government has owed its workers 18 months of salary arrears, with the latest being the October 2022 salary. The state's chapter of the NLC has called on the government to prioritize the payment of salaries to avoid further industrial action.

These are just a few examples of the news articles and updates on salary arrears in Benue State. The situation is a concern for the workers and the state government, and it is hoped that a solution can be found soon to address the issue.