Benue news on salary 2018

Here are some news articles and updates on the salary of Benue State civil servants in 2018:

  1. Benue State Government Releases N18.4 Billion for Salary Payment (August 2018)

The Benue State Government released N18.4 billion for the payment of salaries to its civil servants. The payment was made possible after the state government received a bailout fund from the Federal Government. (Source: Vanguard)

  1. Benue State Government Commences Payment of Outstanding Salaries (September 2018)

The Benue State Government commenced the payment of outstanding salaries to its civil servants. The payment was made possible after the state government received a bailout fund from the Federal Government. (Source: Leadership)

  1. Benue State Government Pays N1.4 Billion to Civil Servants (October 2018)

The Benue State Government paid N1.4 billion to its civil servants as part of the ongoing payment of outstanding salaries. The payment was made possible after the state government received a bailout fund from the Federal Government. (Source: Daily Trust)

  1. Benue State Government to Pay Salaries in Installments (November 2018)

The Benue State Government announced that it would pay salaries to its civil servants in installments due to financial constraints. The government said it would pay 50% of the salaries in November and the remaining 50% in December. (Source: Punch)

  1. Benue State Government Pays N2.2 Billion to Civil Servants (December 2018)

The Benue State Government paid N2.2 billion to its civil servants as part of the ongoing payment of outstanding salaries. The payment was made possible after the state government received a bailout fund from the Federal Government. (Source: ThisDay)

These are just a few news articles and updates on the salary of Benue State civil servants in 2018. If you need more information, please let me know!