Benue gov ortom criticized president buharis critics #comments

Here are some possible comments criticizing President Buhari's critics, as attributed to Benue Governor, Samuel Ortom:

Comment 1 "I want to say that those criticizing President Buhari are not patriots. They are just a bunch of people who are not interested in the progress of this country. They are only interested in tearing the country down and causing chaos."

Comment 2 "It's unfortunate that some people are more interested in criticizing the President than in finding solutions to the problems facing our country. President Buhari is doing his best to move this country forward, and we should support him, not tear him down."

Comment 3 "I know that President Buhari is not perfect, but I believe that he is a man of integrity and a true patriot. His critics are just a bunch of people who are jealous of his achievements and want to bring him down."

Comment 4 "It's time for us to stop criticizing President Buhari and start supporting him. He is the President of this country, and we should give him the support he needs to move this country forward."

Comment 5 "I believe that President Buhari is doing a good job, and his critics are just a bunch of people who are not interested in the progress of this country. We should support him and not criticize him all the time."

Please note that these are just possible comments and may not reflect the actual views of Governor Ortom or President Buhari.