Benefits of tummy time for new borns

Tummy time is an essential activity for newborns, and it offers numerous benefits for their development and overall health. Here are some of the benefits of tummy time for newborns:

  1. Strengthens Neck and Back Muscles: Tummy time helps newborns develop the strength and control needed to hold their head up and support their body weight.
  2. Improves Posture: Regular tummy time helps newborns develop good posture habits, which can reduce the risk of back and neck problems later in life.
  3. Enhances Motor Skills: Tummy time helps newborns develop the coordination and motor skills needed for crawling, sitting, and other movements.
  4. Reduces Risk of Flat Spots: Tummy time can help reduce the risk of flat spots on the back of the head, which can occur when newborns spend too much time on their backs.
  5. Helps with Digestion: Tummy time can help newborns digest their food more effectively by allowing them to move their body in a way that helps stimulate digestion.
  6. Increases Oxygenation: Tummy time can help increase oxygenation of the brain and body by allowing newborns to move their head and body in a way that helps improve blood flow.
  7. Enhances Brain Development: Tummy time can help stimulate brain development by providing newborns with a new and challenging environment to explore.
  8. Reduces Risk of SIDS: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends tummy time as a way to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
  9. Helps with Bonding: Tummy time can be a great way to bond with your newborn, as it allows you to interact with them in a way that is both fun and beneficial for their development.
  10. Prepares for Crawling: Tummy time is an essential precursor to crawling, as it helps newborns develop the strength, coordination, and motor skills needed to move their body in a way that prepares them for crawling.

When to Start Tummy Time:

Tips for Tummy Time: