Ben mueller new video on growing circle

Ben Mueller is a popular YouTuber known for his videos on permaculture, sustainable living, and regenerative agriculture. His latest video on growing circles is likely to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about this topic.

Growing circles, also known as "keyhole gardens" or "permaculture gardens," are a type of garden design that uses a circular layout to maximize space and promote soil health. The design features a central composting area, surrounded by a ring of plants, which helps to create a self-sustaining ecosystem.

In his video, Ben Mueller likely shares his expertise on how to design and build a growing circle, including tips on:

  1. Choosing the right location and climate for your growing circle.
  2. Selecting the right plants for your growing circle, including companion planting and crop rotation.
  3. Building the circular structure, including materials and techniques.
  4. Creating a composting system for the central area.
  5. Maintaining and harvesting your growing circle.

Ben Mueller's video is likely to be informative, engaging, and easy to follow, making it a great resource for anyone looking to start their own growing circle.