Ben carson fox news

Ben Carson is a former neurosurgeon and politician who has been a frequent guest on Fox News. Here are some key points about his appearances on the network:

  1. Frequent guest: Ben Carson has been a regular guest on Fox News, appearing on various shows such as "Hannity," "Tucker Carlson Tonight," and "Fox & Friends."
  2. Conservative views: Carson is a conservative and has often expressed his views on politics, healthcare, and social issues on Fox News. He has been critical of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and has advocated for a repeal and replace approach.
  3. 2016 presidential campaign: Carson was a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. He appeared frequently on Fox News during his campaign, discussing his policy proposals and debating other candidates.
  4. Post-campaign appearances: After dropping out of the presidential race, Carson continued to appear on Fox News, offering his opinions on current events and politics.
  5. Syndicated column: Carson has a syndicated column that is published in various newspapers and online platforms, including Fox News. His columns often focus on healthcare, education, and social issues.
  6. Author: Carson has written several books, including "One Nation: What We Can All Do to Create a Brighter Future" and "A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Country." He has discussed his books on Fox News and other media outlets.
  7. Medical expertise: As a neurosurgeon, Carson has often been asked to comment on medical issues on Fox News. He has discussed topics such as healthcare reform, medical malpractice, and the opioid crisis.
  8. Controversies: Carson has been involved in several controversies during his appearances on Fox News, including disputes with other guests and hosts over issues such as immigration and gun control.

Some notable Ben Carson appearances on Fox News include: