Beme news

Beme News! Beme was a social media app that was acquired by Twitter in 2016. The app was known for its unique approach to news consumption, allowing users to share short-form, unedited videos on a variety of topics. Here are some key features and facts about Beme News:

Key Features:

  1. Unedited videos: Beme allowed users to share short-form videos (up to 60 seconds) without editing or filtering. This approach aimed to provide a more authentic and raw look at news and events.
  2. Live streaming: Beme enabled live streaming, allowing users to broadcast events as they unfolded.
  3. Community-driven: The app encouraged users to engage with each other through comments, likes, and shares.
  4. No algorithm: Unlike other social media platforms, Beme didn't use an algorithm to curate content. Instead, users saw posts in chronological order.


  1. Founded by: Beme was founded by Matt Kohler, a former CNN producer, and Jay Sebring, a tech entrepreneur.
  2. Acquired by Twitter: Twitter acquired Beme in June 2016 for an undisclosed sum.
  3. Integration with Twitter: After the acquisition, Beme's features were integrated into Twitter, and the app was eventually shut down.
  4. Influence on Twitter: Beme's approach to unedited, raw content influenced Twitter's own approach to live streaming and video content.


Although Beme is no longer an independent app, its influence can be seen in the way Twitter and other social media platforms approach video content. The app's focus on unedited, raw content has also inspired other news organizations to adopt similar approaches to storytelling.

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