Bellerin not fernandez major concern

It seems like you're referring to the Arsenal team and their concerns about Hector Bellerin's performance rather than Angel Fernandez.

Hector Bellerin is a Spanish professional footballer who plays as a right-back for Arsenal and the Spain national team. He has been a regular starter for the Gunners since 2013, but in recent seasons, his form has been inconsistent, and he has faced criticism from fans and pundits alike.

Some of the concerns about Bellerin's performance include:

  1. Defensive errors: Bellerin has been known to make costly mistakes at the back, which has led to goals being conceded by Arsenal.
  2. Lack of pace: As he has gotten older, Bellerin's pace has decreased, making it harder for him to keep up with the opposition's wingers.
  3. Inconsistency: Bellerin's form has been inconsistent, and he has struggled to maintain a high level of performance throughout the season.
  4. Competition for places: With the emergence of new players like Cedric Soares and Ainsley Maitland-Niles, Bellerin faces stiff competition for his place in the starting lineup.

On the other hand, Angel Fernandez is a Chilean professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Arsenal. He has been a key player for the Gunners since his arrival in 2018, known for his vision, passing range, and goal-scoring ability.

If you're concerned about Fernandez's performance, it might be due to his recent injuries, which have kept him out of action for several weeks. However, when fit, Fernandez is an important player for Arsenal, and his absence has been felt in the team's midfield.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns about Arsenal or their players!