Bella lack emotional bryan diary session bbnaija s7

You're referring to a diary session from Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) Season 7, where Bella and Bryan had a conversation about their feelings and emotions.

For those who may not know, Bella and Bryan are housemates in the BBNaija reality TV show, and they have been developing feelings for each other over the course of the season. In this diary session, they had a heart-to-heart conversation about their emotions and the challenges they're facing in the house.

Here's a summary of their conversation:

Bella started by expressing her feelings to Bryan, telling him that she's been feeling a strong connection with him and that she's been thinking about him a lot. She also mentioned that she's been feeling a bit overwhelmed by her emotions and that she's not sure how to process them.

Bryan listened attentively and shared his own feelings, telling Bella that he's been feeling the same way. He said that he's been trying to navigate his emotions and figure out what he wants, but it's been tough. He also mentioned that he's been feeling a bit scared about opening up to Bella, but he's willing to take the risk.

The conversation was emotional and intimate, with both Bella and Bryan sharing their fears, hopes, and dreams with each other. They talked about the challenges they're facing in the house, including the pressure to win the game and the stress of living with a group of people.

Throughout the conversation, it was clear that Bella and Bryan have a deep connection and that they're both willing to take a chance on each other. They ended the conversation by reaffirming their feelings for each other and promising to support each other through the ups and downs of the game.

Overall, this diary session was a beautiful moment of vulnerability and intimacy between Bella and Bryan, and it's clear that their relationship is going to be an important part of the rest of the season.