Bella and jacob new moon

A great choice!

In the book "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer, Bella Swan and Jacob Black's relationship takes a dramatic turn. Here's a brief summary:

After Edward Cullen, Bella's vampire boyfriend, leaves Forks in an attempt to protect her from the dangers that come with being in a relationship with a vampire, Bella goes into a deep depression. Jacob, who has had a crush on Bella since childhood, tries to help her get over Edward by being a supportive friend.

However, as they spend more time together, Bella starts to develop feelings for Jacob, which complicates their friendship. Jacob, who has been keeping a secret from Bella - that he is a werewolf - is torn between his loyalty to his pack and his growing feelings for Bella.

Meanwhile, Victoria, the vengeful vampire who seeks to destroy Bella, returns to Forks, and the Cullens must work together to protect Bella from her. In the process, Bella and Jacob grow closer, and their friendship blossoms into something more.

The book ends with Bella and Jacob sharing a romantic moment, but it's unclear what the future holds for their relationship. The tension between Bella's feelings for Edward and her growing connection with Jacob sets the stage for the rest of the series.

What do you think about Bella and Jacob's relationship in "New Moon"? Do you ship them or do you still have a soft spot for Bella and Edward?