Bella and chichi having a heated arguments while preparing for there wager task bbnaija s7

(The scene is set in the Big Brother Naija house, where Bella and Chichi are in the kitchen preparing for their Wager task. The atmosphere is tense, with both housemates visibly upset.)

Bella: (frustrated) Chichi, how could you do this to me? You knew I was counting on you to help with the task, and now you're just standing there, doing nothing!

Chichi: (defensive) I'm trying, Bella! But you're not giving me any space to work. You're always bossing me around and telling me what to do. I'm sick of it!

Bella: (angrily) Bossing you around? You're the one who's always slacking off and expecting everyone else to do the work for you! I'm the one who's been carrying this task on my back, and you're just going to sit there and watch me do all the work?

Chichi: (raising her voice) That's not fair, Bella! You're always so quick to criticize me, but you never take the time to understand where I'm coming from. I'm trying my best, but you're not giving me any support or encouragement.

Bella: (yelling) Support or encouragement? You want support or encouragement? You're the one who's always causing drama and tension in this house! You're the one who's always stirring up trouble and making it difficult for the rest of us to live in peace!

Chichi: (standing up, her face red with anger) That's it, Bella! I've had enough of your insults and your condescending attitude! You think you're better than everyone else just because you're a bit more popular? Newsflash, Bella: you're not better than anyone else! You're just as flawed and imperfect as the rest of us!

(The argument escalates, with both housemates shouting over each other and refusing to back down. The other housemates start to gather around, drawn in by the commotion.)

Big Brother's voice: (interrupting) Okay, okay, let's take a break. Bella and Chichi, please calm down and take a few deep breaths. This is not the way to handle a disagreement.

(The housemates slowly start to disperse, still murmuring and whispering to each other. Bella and Chichi stand there, still fuming, but eventually, they take a step back and try to compose themselves.)

Bella: (through gritted teeth) Fine. Let's just get this task over with.

Chichi: (equally angry) Yeah, let's just get it over with.

(The scene ends with the two housemates still visibly upset, but trying to put aside their differences for the sake of the task.)