Belgium news channel live

Here are a few Belgian news channels that offer live streaming:

  1. VRT NWS (Dutch): VRT NWS is the news channel of the Flemish public broadcasting company VRT. They offer live streaming of their news programs, including the popular "Journaal" evening news program.
  2. RTBF Info (French): RTBF Info is the news channel of the French-speaking public broadcasting company RTBF. They offer live streaming of their news programs, including the popular "20 Heures" evening news program.
  3. Bel RTL (French): Bel RTL is a private Belgian television channel that offers news, sports, and entertainment programs. They also have a live streaming service.
  4. VTM (Dutch): VTM is a private Belgian television channel that offers news, sports, and entertainment programs. They also have a live streaming service.
  5. Canvas (Dutch): Canvas is a Flemish public broadcasting channel that offers a range of programs, including news, documentaries, and culture. They also have a live streaming service.

Please note that some of these channels may require registration or have specific streaming restrictions.