Behold i do a new thing by b keith hassell

A great choice!

"Behold, I Do a New Thing" is a song written by B. Keith Hassell and recorded by American gospel singer Andraé Crouch in 1973. The song has since become a classic in the gospel music genre.

The lyrics speak of God's power and ability to do new and miraculous things in our lives, despite our circumstances. The song's chorus repeats the phrase "Behold, I do a new thing" from Isaiah 43:19, emphasizing God's promise to make a way where there seems to be no way.

The song has been covered by many artists over the years, but Andraé Crouch's original version remains one of the most well-known and beloved. It's a powerful reminder of God's sovereignty and ability to work in our lives, even when we can't see a way forward.

Do you have a special connection to this song, or is there a particular memory or experience that comes to mind when you hear it?