Behavioural characteristics of a new born pdf

Here is a PDF on the behavioral characteristics of a newborn:

Behavioral Characteristics of a Newborn


Newborn babies are fascinating creatures, and understanding their behavior can help parents and caregivers provide them with the best possible care. Newborns are born with a range of reflexes and behaviors that help them adapt to their environment and interact with their caregivers. In this document, we will explore the behavioral characteristics of a newborn and what they mean for parents and caregivers.


Newborns are born with a range of reflexes that help them respond to their environment. Some of the most common reflexes include:

Behavioral Characteristics

Newborns exhibit a range of behavioral characteristics that are important for their development and interaction with their caregivers. Some of the most common behavioral characteristics include:

Sleep Patterns

Newborns sleep a lot, and their sleep patterns are important for their development and recovery. Some of the most common sleep patterns include:


Newborns are fascinating creatures, and understanding their behavioral characteristics can help parents and caregivers provide them with the best possible care. By recognizing and responding to their reflexes, behavioral characteristics, and sleep patterns, parents and caregivers can help newborns develop and thrive.