Beginning of something new quotes

Here are some inspiring quotes about the beginning of something new:

  1. "The best is yet to come." - Robert Browning
  2. "New beginnings are like blank pages, waiting for the story of your life to be written." - Unknown
  3. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall and starting anew." - Nelson Mandela
  4. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt
  5. "A new beginning is like a fresh canvas, waiting for the brushstrokes of your dreams to come alive." - Unknown
  6. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. And the only way to love what you do is to find the courage to start anew." - Unknown
  7. "The beginning of something new is always exciting, but it's the journey that makes it worthwhile." - Unknown
  8. "New beginnings are not just about starting over, but about creating a new story, a new chapter, a new life." - Unknown
  9. "The most beautiful thing about a new beginning is that it's a chance to rewrite your story, to make it better, to make it yours." - Unknown
  10. "The beginning of something new is like a spark, it ignites a fire that can burn bright and warm the hearts of those around you." - Unknown
  11. "A new beginning is not just a fresh start, it's a chance to rediscover yourself, to find your passion, to find your purpose." - Unknown
  12. "The most important thing about a new beginning is that it's a chance to start again, to try again, to do it better this time." - Unknown
  13. "New beginnings are like a blank slate, waiting for the colors of your dreams to be painted on it." - Unknown
  14. "The beginning of something new is like a sunrise, it brings light to the darkness, it brings hope to the hopeless." - Unknown
  15. "A new beginning is not just a new chapter, it's a new book, a new story, a new life." - Unknown

I hope these quotes inspire you to start something new and exciting!