Begging hawking activities worry dpr at filling stations

I think you meant to say "begging, hawking activities worry DPR at filling stations".

It seems that the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) is concerned about the activities of beggars and hawkers at filling stations in Nigeria. Here's a possible explanation:

In Nigeria, filling stations are often busy and crowded, with long queues of vehicles waiting to refuel. This can create an environment where beggars and hawkers may see an opportunity to make a quick buck. Begging and hawking activities can be a nuisance to customers and station owners alike, as they can distract from the primary purpose of the filling station (i.e., selling fuel).

The DPR, as the regulatory body responsible for the oil and gas industry in Nigeria, may be concerned about the following issues:

  1. Safety: Begging and hawking activities can create a safety risk, as they can lead to congestion and chaos at the filling stations.
  2. Disruption: These activities can disrupt the normal operations of the filling stations, causing delays and inconvenience to customers.
  3. Unhygienic conditions: Begging and hawking activities can also create unhygienic conditions, as beggars and hawkers may not maintain proper personal hygiene or dispose of waste properly.
  4. Revenue loss: Station owners may lose revenue due to the distraction caused by begging and hawking activities, which can lead to a decrease in sales and profitability.

To address these concerns, the DPR may consider implementing measures such as:

  1. Regulating begging and hawking activities at filling stations
  2. Providing alternative opportunities for beggars and hawkers to earn a living
  3. Increasing security measures at filling stations to prevent begging and hawking activities
  4. Educating customers and station owners about the importance of maintaining a safe and clean environment at filling stations.

By addressing these concerns, the DPR can help to ensure a safer, more efficient, and more profitable environment for filling stations in Nigeria.