Beforeitsnews alternative news

Before It's News (BIN) is a popular alternative news website that aggregates and publishes news articles from various sources, including independent journalists, bloggers, and whistleblowers. While BIN is not a traditional news organization, it has gained a significant following among those seeking alternative perspectives on current events. Here are some reasons why BIN is considered an alternative news source:

  1. Unconventional reporting: BIN features articles that may not be covered by mainstream media outlets, including topics like conspiracy theories, UFO sightings, and alternative health remedies.
  2. Independent voices: The website allows independent journalists and bloggers to publish their work, giving a platform to voices that may not be represented in mainstream media.
  3. Whistleblower stories: BIN has published stories from whistleblowers who claim to have information about government cover-ups, corporate malfeasance, and other sensitive topics.
  4. Alternative perspectives: The website presents alternative viewpoints on current events, often challenging the dominant narratives presented by mainstream media.
  5. Crowdsourced reporting: BIN allows users to submit their own news articles and stories, creating a sense of community and encouraging citizen journalism.

Some of the topics commonly covered on Before It's News include:

  1. Conspiracy theories: Articles about alleged government conspiracies, secret societies, and cover-ups.
  2. UFOs and extraterrestrial life: Reports of UFO sightings, alien encounters, and alleged government cover-ups.
  3. Alternative health: Articles about alternative medicine, natural remedies, and health supplements.
  4. Government corruption: Stories about alleged government corruption, abuse of power, and whistleblowers.
  5. Economic and financial news: Reports on economic trends, financial crises, and alternative economic theories.

While Before It's News can be a valuable resource for those seeking alternative perspectives, it's essential to approach the website with a critical eye. Some of the articles may be sensationalized, biased, or lack credible sources. It's always a good idea to fact-check information and verify sources before accepting any claims as true.

Other alternative news websites that you may find interesting include:

  1. Infowars: A website founded by Alex Jones, known for its conspiracy theories and alternative perspectives.
  2. The Daily Bell: A website that publishes articles on economics, politics, and alternative perspectives.
  3. The Anti-Media: A website that aggregates alternative news articles and provides a platform for independent journalists.
  4. Activist Post: A website that focuses on alternative news, activism, and conscious living.
  5. Natural News: A website that publishes articles on natural health, wellness, and alternative medicine.