Before you start using a new hair clipper

Before using a new hair clipper, it's essential to follow some steps to ensure a safe and effective haircut. Here's a checklist:

  1. Read the manual: Familiarize yourself with the clipper's instructions, features, and settings.
  2. Clean the clipper: Before using the clipper for the first time, clean it with a soft cloth and mild soap to remove any residue or debris from the manufacturing process.
  3. Charge the clipper (if applicable): If your clipper is cordless, make sure it's fully charged before use.
  4. Adjust the clipper to the correct setting: Set the clipper to the desired length or setting for your haircut. Consult the manual if you're unsure.
  5. Use a comb or rat-tail comb: Use a comb or rat-tail comb to section your hair and guide the clipper for a more even cut.
  6. Start with a small area: Begin with a small section of hair to get a feel for the clipper's performance and to avoid making mistakes.
  7. Work in small sections: Divide your hair into small sections, and clip each section separately to maintain evenness and prevent uneven cuts.
  8. Use light, gentle strokes: Move the clipper in light, gentle strokes, following the direction of hair growth. Avoid applying too much pressure, which can cause uneven cuts or damage to the hair.
  9. Check your work: Regularly check your progress in a mirror to ensure you're achieving the desired length and style.
  10. Clean up stray hairs: Use the clipper's trimmer attachment or scissors to tidy up any stray hairs or uneven edges.
  11. Store the clipper properly: After use, clean the clipper and store it in a dry place to prevent damage or corrosion.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to use your new hair clipper and achieve a great haircut.