Before it's news youtube

Before It's News (BIN) is a YouTube channel and online news aggregator that claims to provide alternative news and information to the mainstream media. The channel was founded in 2004 and has gained a significant following over the years.

Before It's News aggregates news articles and videos from various sources, including independent journalists, bloggers, and alternative media outlets. The channel's content covers a wide range of topics, including politics, health, finance, technology, and more.

BIN is known for its conspiracy theory-focused content, and many of its videos and articles explore topics such as government cover-ups, secret societies, and alleged plots to control the world. The channel has also been criticized for promoting misinformation and pseudoscience.

Some of the most popular topics on Before It's News include:

  1. COVID-19 conspiracy theories: BIN has published numerous videos and articles claiming that the COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax or a government-created bioterrorism attack.
  2. 5G conspiracy theories: The channel has promoted claims that 5G wireless technology is harmful to human health and is being used to control people's minds.
  3. Chemtrails: BIN has published videos and articles claiming that chemtrails (contrails) are a government conspiracy to control the weather and manipulate the population.
  4. Flat Earth theory: The channel has featured videos and articles promoting the idea that the Earth is flat, rather than being an oblate spheroid.
  5. QAnon: BIN has promoted QAnon conspiracy theories, which claim that a secret group of government officials and celebrities are working to take down a cabal of pedophiles and satanists.

Before It's News has been criticized for promoting misinformation and pseudoscience, and many of its videos and articles have been debunked by fact-checking organizations and experts. Despite this, the channel remains popular among some conspiracy theory enthusiasts and alternative news followers.