Before it's news health

Before It's News Health is a section of the Before It's News website that focuses on health-related news and information. The website claims to provide "alternative news" and "unreported news" that may not be covered by mainstream media outlets.

The Before It's News Health section covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Alternative medicine: The section features articles and news stories about alternative medical treatments and therapies, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and homeopathy.
  2. Natural health: The section covers topics related to natural health, such as nutrition, fitness, and wellness.
  3. Vaccine controversy: The section often features articles and news stories about vaccine safety and efficacy, as well as controversies surrounding vaccine mandates and government policies.
  4. Cancer treatment: The section covers alternative cancer treatments and therapies, as well as news stories about cancer research and treatment options.
  5. Mental health: The section features articles and news stories about mental health, including topics such as anxiety, depression, and stress management.

It's important to note that Before It's News Health is not a reliable source of health information. The website has been criticized for promoting pseudoscience and misinformation, and many of the articles and news stories featured on the site have been debunked by reputable health organizations and experts.

If you're looking for reliable health information, it's best to consult reputable sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). These organizations provide evidence-based information and guidance on a wide range of health topics.