Bedford free school news

Bedford Free School is a free school located in Bedford, England. Here are some recent news articles and updates about the school:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Bedford Free School celebrates its 10th anniversary" - Bedford Today, October 2022

The article celebrates the school's 10th anniversary and highlights its achievements over the years, including its strong academic performance and commitment to providing a free education to local students.

  1. "Bedford Free School praised for its 'outstanding' leadership" - The Bedford Independent, September 2022

The article reports on the school's recent Ofsted inspection, which praised its leadership as "outstanding". The inspectors noted that the school's leaders have created a culture of high expectations and a sense of community among students and staff.

  1. "Bedford Free School students achieve excellent GCSE results" - Bedfordshire News, August 2022

The article reports on the school's GCSE results, which show that students have achieved excellent grades across a range of subjects. The school's headteacher is quoted as saying that the results are a testament to the hard work and dedication of students and staff.

Upcoming Events:

  1. "Bedford Free School Open Day" - Saturday, November 12th, 2022

The school is hosting an open day for prospective students and their families. The event will include tours of the school, talks from teachers and students, and the opportunity to ask questions about the school's curriculum and admissions process.

  1. "Bedford Free School's annual Christmas Fair" - Friday, December 2nd, 2022

The school is hosting its annual Christmas Fair, which will feature stalls selling festive goods, a raffle, and a Christmas market. The event is open to students, staff, and the local community.

Notable Achievements:

  1. "Bedford Free School students win regional science competition" - The Bedford Independent, March 2022

The school's science students won a regional competition, beating teams from other local schools to take the top prize. The competition was organized by a local science charity and aimed to encourage students to develop their science skills and knowledge.

  1. "Bedford Free School's sports teams achieve success in local tournaments" - Bedfordshire News, May 2022

The school's sports teams have achieved success in local tournaments, with students winning medals and trophies in a range of sports, including football, netball, and athletics.

I hope this information is helpful!