Becky lynch new finisher

Becky Lynch, the current Raw Women's Champion, has been known to use a few different finishers throughout her career. Here are a few of her most notable ones:

  1. Becky Lynch's Dis-arm-her: This is her most well-known finisher, which involves applying a modified armbar submission hold. She typically sets it up by taking down her opponent and then transitioning into the hold.
  2. The Manhandle Slam: This is a variation of the fireman's carry slam, where Becky lifts her opponent up and slams them down to the mat. She often uses this move to set up her Dis-arm-her finisher.
  3. The Exploder Suplex: Becky has also used an exploder suplex as a finisher, where she lifts her opponent up and slams them down to the mat, often using her legs to drive the impact.

As for a new finisher, Becky Lynch has been experimenting with a few different moves recently. One of her newer finishers is the Becky Bomb, which is a sit-out driver's facebuster. She sets it up by lifting her opponent up and slamming them down to the mat, with her legs driving the impact.

It's worth noting that Becky Lynch is known for being a versatile wrestler who can adapt her moveset to suit her opponents and the situation. So, while she may have a few different finishers, she's always looking to add new moves to her arsenal and keep her opponents guessing!