Bebas new combination

You're looking for a new combination of the Bebas font!

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Bebas Bold + Bebas Regular: Combine the bold and regular weights of Bebas to create a striking contrast.
  2. Bebas Italic + Bebas Bold: Pair the italic and bold weights for a sophisticated and modern look.
  3. Bebas Regular + Bebas Condensed: Use the regular and condensed weights together for a unique and eye-catching combination.
  4. Bebas Bold + Bebas Black: Combine the bold and black weights for a dramatic and attention-grabbing effect.
  5. Bebas Italic + Bebas Light: Pair the italic and light weights for a elegant and refined look.

Remember, the key to creating a great font combination is to balance the weights, styles, and sizes to achieve harmony and visual interest. Experiment with different combinations to find the one that works best for your design!