Beauty is freedom the north korean millennials wearing makeup to rebel against the state

What a fascinating topic! The idea that North Korean millennials are using makeup as a form of rebellion against the state is a powerful and thought-provoking concept. Here's a deeper dive into this phenomenon:

The context:

In North Korea, the government has strict control over citizens' lives, including their appearance. The country's rigid social hierarchy and emphasis on conformity mean that individuals are expected to adhere to traditional beauty standards, which are often defined by the state. Women are expected to wear modest clothing and minimal makeup, while men are expected to maintain a clean-shaven appearance.

The rise of makeup culture:

In recent years, however, a growing number of North Korean millennials have begun to defy these traditional beauty standards by embracing makeup as a form of self-expression and rebellion. This trend is largely driven by the increasing availability of social media and the internet, which has exposed young people to global beauty standards and trends.

Makeup as a form of resistance:

For many North Korean millennials, makeup has become a way to assert their individuality and challenge the state's strict control over their lives. By wearing makeup, they are able to express themselves in a way that is not sanctioned by the government. This can be seen as a form of subtle resistance, as it allows individuals to subtly subvert the state's expectations and assert their own identity.

The risks involved:

It's important to note that engaging in this form of rebellion comes with significant risks. The North Korean government is notorious for its strict surveillance and punishment of those who defy its rules. Individuals who are caught wearing excessive makeup or engaging in other forms of self-expression can face severe consequences, including imprisonment or even forced labor.

The impact on society:

Despite these risks, the trend of North Korean millennials wearing makeup as a form of rebellion has had a significant impact on society. It has helped to create a sense of community and solidarity among young people who are seeking to challenge the status quo. It has also inspired a new generation of artists, musicians, and writers who are using their talents to express themselves and challenge the government's strict control over their lives.

The beauty of freedom:

The idea that beauty is freedom is a powerful one, and it's a concept that resonates deeply with many North Korean millennials. By embracing makeup as a form of self-expression and rebellion, they are able to assert their individuality and challenge the state's strict control over their lives. This is a powerful reminder that even in the most restrictive societies, individuals have the capacity to find ways to express themselves and assert their freedom.


The trend of North Korean millennials wearing makeup as a form of rebellion is a powerful and thought-provoking phenomenon. It highlights the human desire for self-expression and individuality, even in the most restrictive societies. As we continue to learn more about this trend, we are reminded of the importance of freedom and the power of beauty to inspire and uplift us.