Beautiful nubia new albulms

You're a fan of Beautiful Nubia, the Nigerian singer-songwriter! He's known for his soulful voice and thought-provoking lyrics, which often focus on social justice and African culture.

As for new albums, Beautiful Nubia has been quite active in recent years, releasing several projects that showcase his growth as an artist. Here are a few of his notable releases:

  1. "The Long Walk to Freedom" (2019): This album is a powerful tribute to the struggles and triumphs of African people. It features songs like "The Long Walk to Freedom" and "We Are the People."
  2. "The Awakening" (2017): This album is a call to action, urging listeners to wake up to the challenges facing Africa and the world. It includes tracks like "The Awakening" and "Rise Up."
  3. "The Journey So Far" (2015): This album is a collection of Beautiful Nubia's earlier work, featuring songs that showcase his unique blend of Afrobeat, R&B, and hip-hop.

If you're looking for more recent music from Beautiful Nubia, you might want to check out his singles and collaborations with other artists. He's also been involved in various projects, such as the "African Rising" movement, which aims to promote African culture and unity.

Do you have a favorite song or album by Beautiful Nubia?