Beautiful background images new theme for windows 10

Here are some beautiful background image suggestions for a new theme for Windows 10:


  1. Sunset over the ocean: A warm, golden sunset over the calm waters of the ocean.
  2. Mountain landscape: A serene mountain range with a misty valley and a bright blue sky.
  3. Forest glade: A peaceful forest clearing with tall trees, a babbling brook, and a carpet of wildflowers.
  4. Beach at sunrise: A stunning beach scene at sunrise, with the sun rising over the waves and a few seagulls flying overhead.
  5. Waterfall: A majestic waterfall cascading down a rocky cliff, surrounded by lush greenery.


  1. City skyline at night: A vibrant city skyline at night, with towering skyscrapers and a sea of twinkling lights.
  2. Parisian streets: A charming Parisian street scene, with cobblestone roads, historic buildings, and a hint of romance.
  3. Tokyo neon: A bustling Tokyo street at night, with neon lights, giant billboards, and a frenetic energy.
  4. New York City: A classic New York City scene, with iconic skyscrapers, yellow cabs, and a busy street life.
  5. Rome at sunset: A picturesque Rome scene at sunset, with ancient architecture, cobblestone streets, and a warm, golden light.


  1. Geometric patterns: A colorful, geometric pattern of shapes and lines, perfect for a modern and sleek theme.
  2. Watercolor swirls: A beautiful, watercolor-inspired design with swirling shapes and soft colors.
  3. Digital art: A stunning piece of digital art, with bold lines, vibrant colors, and a futuristic feel.
  4. Fractals: A mesmerizing fractal design, with intricate patterns and a sense of depth and complexity.
  5. Gradients: A simple yet effective gradient design, with smooth transitions between colors and a clean, minimalist aesthetic.


  1. Space: A stunning image of the night sky, with stars, planets, and a sense of vastness and wonder.
  2. Food: A colorful, mouth-watering image of a delicious meal, perfect for a theme that celebrates food and culture.
  3. Music: A vibrant, musical design, with notes, instruments, and a sense of rhythm and harmony.
  4. Travel: A beautiful image of a exotic destination, such as a tropical beach, a bustling market, or a historic landmark.
  5. Art: A stunning piece of art, such as a painting, sculpture, or photograph, that inspires and delights.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can use these images as-is or modify them to fit your personal style and preferences. Good luck with your new theme!