Beach energy new zealand

Beach Energy is a New Zealand-based oil and gas company that operates in the Taranaki region of the North Island. Here are some key facts about Beach Energy:

History: Beach Energy was founded in 2007 and is listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX).

Operations: The company operates in the Taranaki Basin, which is one of the most significant oil and gas producing regions in New Zealand. Beach Energy has a portfolio of producing fields, including the Kupe Field, the Maari Field, and the Rimu Field.

Production: Beach Energy produces oil and natural gas from its fields in Taranaki, with a focus on meeting the energy needs of New Zealand. In 2020, the company produced approximately 2.4 million barrels of oil and 12.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas.

Exploration: Beach Energy is also involved in exploration activities in the Taranaki Basin, with a focus on identifying new oil and gas reserves. The company has a number of exploration permits and is actively exploring for new opportunities.

Partnerships: Beach Energy has partnerships with other energy companies, including OMV New Zealand and Mitsui E&P NZ.

Community engagement: Beach Energy is committed to engaging with the local community and has a number of initiatives in place to support local economic development and environmental sustainability.

Environmental responsibility: The company prioritizes environmental responsibility and has implemented a number of measures to minimize its environmental impact, including reducing waste, conserving water, and protecting wildlife habitats.

Awards and recognition: Beach Energy has received several awards and recognition for its operations, including the 2020 NZX Best Performing Oil and Gas Company award.

Overall, Beach Energy is a significant player in New Zealand's oil and gas industry, with a focus on producing energy for the country while also prioritizing environmental responsibility and community engagement.