Bch news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Bitcoin Cash (BCH):

Recent News

  1. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Price Surges 15% After Coinbase Adds Support: The price of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) surged 15% after Coinbase, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, announced that it would add support for the cryptocurrency. (Source: Coindesk)
  2. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Hard Fork Scheduled for May 15: The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) community has scheduled a hard fork for May 15, which will introduce new features and improvements to the network. (Source: Bitcoin Cash News)
  3. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Transactions Reach New High: The number of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) transactions has reached a new high, with over 100,000 transactions processed in a single day. (Source: CoinTelegraph)

Recent Developments

  1. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Node Count Reaches All-Time High: The number of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) nodes has reached an all-time high, with over 1,500 nodes currently active on the network. (Source: Bitcoin Cash Node Count)
  2. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Wallets See Significant Growth: The number of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) wallets has seen significant growth, with over 1 million wallets currently in use. (Source: Bitcoin Cash Wallets)
  3. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Debit Card Launched: A new Bitcoin Cash (BCH) debit card has been launched, allowing users to spend their BCH at millions of merchants worldwide. (Source: Bitcoin Cash Debit Card)

Upcoming Events

  1. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Conference: The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) conference is scheduled to take place in June, featuring speakers from the BCH community and industry experts. (Source: Bitcoin Cash Conference)
  2. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Hard Fork: The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) hard fork is scheduled to take place on May 15, introducing new features and improvements to the network. (Source: Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork)