Bcg nigeria news

Here are some recent news articles related to BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) in Nigeria:

  1. BCG Vaccine Shortage Hits Nigeria: The Nigerian government has announced a shortage of BCG vaccine, which is used to prevent tuberculosis (TB) in children. The shortage is affecting the country's efforts to control TB, which is a major public health problem in Nigeria. (Source: Premium Times, March 2022)
  2. Nigeria Launches New BCG Vaccine: Nigeria has launched a new BCG vaccine, which is designed to provide better protection against TB. The new vaccine is expected to help reduce the incidence of TB in the country. (Source: Vanguard News, February 2022)
  3. BCG Vaccine Effective in Preventing TB in Nigerian Children: A study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that the BCG vaccine is effective in preventing TB in Nigerian children. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Nigeria and the World Health Organization (WHO). (Source: The Guardian, January 2022)
  4. Nigeria to Introduce New BCG Vaccine in 2022: The Nigerian government has announced plans to introduce a new BCG vaccine in 2022. The new vaccine is expected to provide better protection against TB and will be introduced as part of the country's efforts to control the disease. (Source: Leadership Newspaper, December 2021)
  5. BCG Vaccine Saves Thousands of Lives in Nigeria: A report by the WHO has found that the BCG vaccine has saved thousands of lives in Nigeria. The vaccine has been widely used in the country to prevent TB, and has been credited with reducing the incidence of the disease. (Source: Daily Trust, November 2021)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles related to BCG in Nigeria. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!